WA Marathon Club
1002 Members +

Club Goals
The West Australian Marathon Club was founded in 1970 to bring together Western Australians who love to run. We now have over 1,000 members aged from four to over eighty. Some are serious, competitive runners. Others take a more casual approach and just love the chance to run with others, the social side of things and the training. Once you’ve set your pace, you’ll quickly find compatible running partners in the Club.
We all run for different reasons, whether it’s to lose weight, keep fit or, in some cases, to enter and maybe even win races. But whatever the motivation for lacing up the trainers and hitting the road, there’s a compelling reason why being a member of a club can help make running even better.
Deciding to join a club is one of the best things that any runner, whatever their level, can do. Club membership is often the beginning of big improvements in performance and, perhaps more importantly, provides enduring memories, experiences and companionship.
Everyone thrives on a little healthy competition. When you’re running with others who are encouraging you to run faster and harder, it’s easier to take it to the next level.